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  • 【中英双语】国外研究表明,女生在简历上贴低胸装照片会增加面试的几率

    iCoA首席特工 逍遥峡谷 发布:2018-04-19 更新:2018-04-19 浏览0条评论

    一项新的研究称,如果简历上的照片衣着清凉,女性获得面试的机会就会大大增加。A woman is much more likely to nab a job interview if she wears revealing clothing in her application photograph, according to a new study.

    相关关键词:简历   照片   女生   双语  




    A woman is much more likely to nab a job interview if she wears revealing clothing in her application photograph, according to a new study.

    据科技门户网站Phys.org报道,进行此项研究的巴黎第四大学博士塞瓦格·卡特西雍将在伦敦的身体形象大会(Appearance Matters Conference)上介绍研究成果:如果女性求职者在简历上使用穿低胸装的照片,她们获得面试的机会就会提高19倍。

    The study, conducted by Dr. Sevag Kertechian of Paris-Sorbonne University and set to be presented at the Appearance Matters Conference in London, found that female job applicants were 19 times more successful in securing an interview if they wore a low-cut top in the required application photo, according to Phys.org.


    In the study, two women with similar looks and nearly-matching resumes applied for the same roles over three years. The positions were a mix of sales and back-office accounting jobs. Both women applied for 100 roles in the revealing outfit and 100 roles in a shirt with a higher neckline.


    The applications with the more provocative photo helped for both women in both fields – they received 62 more interview offers out of 200 applications for the sales jobs, and 68 more out of 200 for the back-office accounting jobs.


    “Our results showed interesting trends as low-cut dresses significantly influenced the choice of the recruiters, even for accounting positions,” Kertechian told Phys.org. “Regardless of the job, whether customer-facing saleswoman or office-based accountant, the candidate with the low cut clothing received more positive answers.”


    Kertechian called the results “shocking” but “not necessarily surprising.” He noted that further research is needed.


    The Appearance Matters Conference highlights research concerning appearance, body image, appearance altering surgery, eating disorders and the role of the media on all of those subjects, according to The University of the West of England Bristol’s site dedicated to the event.


    Keynote speaker’s include Harvard’s Professor S Bryn Austin and Dr. Eric Stice of the Oregon Research Institute.


    关键词: 简历   照片   女生   双语  




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